The Gist: Timid, rich college student Pete's (Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana) life changes when engineering student Ae (Perth Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan) hits him with his bike. The two develop an immediate friendship, with Ae stepping in to help handle a student threatening Pete because of his sexuality. The strong bond of their friendship begins to pose questions for Ae about what he feels for Pete and if it goes further than friendship. Ae's porn-obsessed, nosy roommate Pond (Yacht Surat Permpoonsavat) is desperate to help the naive Ae succeed in his romance, by any means necessary. But Pete's friend, Tin (Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn), can't help interfering in his relationship because he believes them to be in a different class from Ae and his excitable friend Can (Plan Rathavit Kijworalak).
This. This. This. THIS! Pete and Ae are serious relationship goals. Aghhhh. In the beginning of the show, Ae never makes Pete feel bad about being gay or that they have to draw boundaries in their friendship because of it. Ae is always extremely honest with Pete and never lets misunderstandings survive between them. This develops a strong trust between them. When Ae starts having romantic feelings, he tells Pete about them. When he feels jealous, he tells Pete about it. What I love best is that Ae is not dumb about Pete's feelings. He guesses that Pete feels romantically for him and he says that he can tell the way Pete looks at him is different from the way he looks at others. So may characters like Ae can't take a hint if it hits them in the face, but Ae doesn't press Pete, but is very aware of the way they treat each other. I love that Ae wants to see Pete constantly, even before they start dating.
Let's talk about the physical stuff. Man, LBC really goes for it on that regard. Rather than a chaste kiss here and there, Pete and Ae can't keep their hands (mouths, bodies, lives) off of each other). I am usually happy for a few kisses in a drama, but this goes way beyond it. To borrow a phrase from Maggie Steifvater, both boys were hungry, but Ae had been starving longer. Once he touches Pete, it's like the floodgates were opened. He can be gentle, or throw Pete against a locker long enough to get his tie off. What is great is that Ae always checks for consent with Pete, when it's their first kisses or when they have sex, Ae always make sure Pete is OK with it. Bless poor Ae for needing to google how to have sex with Pete, but it's good to see that he is fairly insecure, even when he acts so confidently with Pete. The physical side of their relationship is built up on how strong their emotional bond is.
So, Pete has to come out to his mom in episode 1 and she is my hero. She is sure to make sure Pete knows she loves him not matter who he loves. She fully embraces his independence and Ae. She can tell that Ae is a good man and is wholly supportive of them. I always love when a drama goes for a supportive parent, especially because it makes such a difference in LGBT relationships. I am glad they show Ae meeting Pete's mom and her approving of him. It's very important to have this kind of representation in this age.
Let's talk about Pond. I was super annoyed by how openly perverse he is (who watches porn this openly???), but he is a surprisingly complex character. Although he is overly nosy, he really does want to support Ae. He may tease him but is happy to give him advice and set him up on dates. He even offers to buy Ae lube and slips him condoms. Ae doesn't want this much interference, but it's so nice that Pond really looks out for him. What really pushed Pond over the top for me is his experience with ChaAim (Cherreen Nachjaree Horvejkul), who you may recognize from Puppy Honey. He is so aggressively flirtatious with her at first, but when they finally start dating, he is so respectful of her body and choices. He is willing to go at her pace and never wants to pressure her. Really he has even more restraint than Ae does. I wasn't sure how they were going to resolve the way he is, but ChaAim handles him perfectly. Pond needs someone who can boss him around a little bit and ChaAim is perfect at that. Moreso, I love how supportive Pond and ChaAim are of Ae/Pete. Neither makes them feel weird about their relationship and I love the scenes with all four of them together. Actually this show is overwhelmingly supportive of Ae/Pete overall. It has a good message of tolerance.
Let's talk about Tin/Can. I think this show draws out their antagonism too long. I love hate to love relationships, but Tin is just a jerk for way too long. Pete gives him too much leeway. I get that he's got trust issues, but you can't just treat people like garbage without repercussions. In that sense, Can is a perfect foil. He doesn't let Tin get away with anything, which makes him more trustworthy to Tin. I think the change in Tin happens too fast. He goes from hating to pursuing him really quickly. No wonder Can has whiplash. Still, it's great to see Tin soften up. He is much more handsome when he is being vulnerable and kind.
I think aside from these stories, LBC is trying to tell too much. There's also a will they/won't they? thing with two stepbrothers and a weird high school student chasing the soccer coach thing. The story-lines are so randomly inserted and spread out that I just really didn't care about them. I was somewhat invested in the stepbrothers storyline, but the whole story is like less than one episode long. I don't think it builds it up enough and the entire story is just the younger brother keeping a secret while the older brother is supportive. It just didn't mesh well with the rest of the show. If they were going to keep these stories in, they should have built them up a bit. Otherwise, I'm just not sure it's worth keeping them in.
Final Grade: A