Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sotus S (Season 2): Thai Drama Review

The Gist: Kongpob (Singto) is now in his third year at college, and is reforming the SOTUS system as the head hazer. His long-term boyfriend, Arthit (Krist), is beginning his post-college career at the company of his choice, but in the procurement department instead of his preferred production department. Kongpob and Arthit navigate how to maintain this next phase of their relationship while dealing with new friendships and interactions in their separate environments.

Additionally, M finally pursues a relationship with May and Tew grapples with a new freshman to try to get him involved.

My thoughts:

So, I have lots of feelings about this show. The first season was almost perfect in my opinion. Many of the same things I enjoyed about that season, I also really liked about this one. The representation is great and the romance is sweet (if not extremely slow burning - like extremely, get to episode 9 my darlings).

With that said, I think the central relationship loses some of relatable situations with its time jump. Arthit is clearly grappling still with announcing that he is dating a man to those who aren’t close friends. Even Kongpob has been keeping this a secret from his family over this time. With that said, Arthit still seems so uncomfortable in his relationship with Kongpob. If this had picked up right after Kong’s freshman year, I would have bought it. But how many people are dating for two years and don’t kiss each other good-bye in the morning? I love that they casually stay over at each others’ places, that is very college life to me, but at 7 episodes into the show, I was still waiting for a kiss ( again, get to ep 9!). For this relationship to be this longstanding, Kong shouldn’t be begging for a kiss here and there. I understand with the stigma that Arthit wants to keep it low key, but when they’re alone, we should see them closer. As Arthit was the one who took more time to adjust being in a homosexual relationship, it makes sense that he’s the one lagging, but after two years, to me, it just doesn’t seem believable that he’s still like this.

Speaking of slow going, dear lord my little M and May. How have you both not figured it out yet. May is clearly long over Kong and they’ve gotten so close, it just defies all logic that they aren’t dating at the beginning of this show. It seems that the writers slowed their relationship down a lot so that the viewers could see the confession scene. Yet, the buildup for that wasn’t intense, so it’s harder still for me to think that they’d gone two full years without having that conversation.

Jumping back to Kong, my sweet angel of a confused boy, he really messes up in the middle of this season. It is one thing to want to be close to your boyfriend, it is another to intern at his job and move next door in the same day without asking him how he feels about it. What really grinds me about this is that there’s not really a believable reason for him not to talk to Arthit about it. Once he explains it, Arthit understands, so there’s no point in having that conversation afterwards rather than before. It seemed uncharacteristic for Kong and somewhat like manufactured drama. I will at least concede that this is a really new situation for all of them and with Kong not getting the closeness of the relationship he’s looking for, it kind of makes sense that he overcompensates. With that said, I’m glad Arthit gets mad about it because that is not a healthy way to interact with your significant other and is somewhat manipulative by backing them into a corner. Since we know Kong’s intentions aren’t so sour, I’m willing to forgive it, but I would be extraordinarily unhappy in Arthit’s shoes.

In short, the central theme of this season is Arthit becoming comfortable in being who he is. This is such an important story to tell because anyone in a non-traditional (aka straight) relationship has to keep coming out to everyone they meet ever. Coming out is not a one-and-done. There will always be more people to tell, more reactions to anticipate. So, even after two years, Arthit is facing the same crisis he did in the first season: is he confident enough in his feelings for Kong to tell everyone about it. As in the first season, the answer was always going to be yes, but it was important for them to get to this point. In one of my favorite Japanese dramas, Mischievous Kiss, there is this one scene I adore where the wife has to finally break down and say that she's the only one who is chasing after her husband, he never comes after her. This unbalanced love is what's been happening to poor, sweet Kong and he finally has to give Arthit the ultimatum. Kong can't always just be the one chasing and by the end of this series, their relationship is more balanced.

I am going to talk about the side characters for a bit. Earth is my favorite. She comes off cold at first but is a great ally for Arthit. I was so worried about a love triangle between her and Arthit, but she catches onto his feelings for Kong immediately and that's what makes her a great friend. She supports them, but lets him come out to her in his own time. I also love her relationship with Tod, which builds slow, but is very cute.

Yong and Nai are probably my favorite side couple. Yong has that same great longing that Kong is always able to portray. You can just tell how happy he is being near Nai and how preoccupied he is with Nai when they're apart. I think these two had fabulous chemistry and I really wished for slightly more concrete resolution between them.

Tew really gets a chance to shine in this in his relationship with Day. The progression is a bit odd, Day really flips from super not interested to totally sweet, but they work hard to get to know one another. Again, I was waiting for a blunt confession, but it goes a little under the radar.

Also, my favorite Prae gets a hot girlfriend. It's a quick scene, but I appreciate the world letting me know she is loved because she deserves everything!

So... I think this show had a less clear trajectory than season 1, but the great chemistry between Kong and Arthit continues to carry this show. Kong is so bold its like he is a lion hunting down a wounded Arthit. Arthit doesn't stand a chance. Arthit continues to be shy and adorable.

I will also say the flashbacks to their intervening school years are a true delight. It's great to see how they got comfortable in their relationship. I love it when Kong can't concentrate on his studies because he is so obsessed with Arthit and when Arthit carries Kong on his back.

My biggest gripe about this season is that the show takes the time to get Kong's father to like Arthit, but they never come out to his family. Kong is so close to his family and this is such an important step for queer youth, but they never tackle that hurdle together. By the end of this, they are still lying. This is totally understandable and again, very relatable for these types of experiences, but I would have liked to see that resolved before the end of the show.


So, I felt a little like the show ended too quickly and then I discovered Episode 5 of Our Skyy. Our Skyy is a BL (Boy's Love) anthology that does a special episode for many BL couples. This is truly where I feel like we get the closure. Spoilers and please do yourself a favor and find this episode for yourself to finish up watching this. Kong gets accepted to his study abroad program in China. The two are finally living the way you'd expect, lovingly and in sync. This is clearly a huge hurdle for them to tackle and while Arthit wants Kong to follow his dream, it makes sense that this is a painful time for them both. I love that the show finally gets Arthit to deal with being shy and kiss Kong in public when it matters. When Kong pulls out those rings I nearly died. More importantly, I don't have to worry about my boys because they get through the separation and are together again. I truly feel at the end of this episode that my boys can conquer anything.

Speaking of my boys, I didn't watch the special episode at the end of season 1, so I went back to watch it at the end. Oh boy, what a delight! Singto and Krist are clearly very close, even in real life. You can tell that they took the time to get comfortable with each other and now like working together. All of the cast members talk about how there is no space between them and that is a real treat for the fans. I read lots of reviews saying that the chemistry between these two is one of the best. I haven't watched too many BL dramas (although now that I know it is a thing, I definitely will!), but I believe it. They worked really hard to bring this romance to life and I feel a little empty now that it is over.

Final Grade: A-

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